What is Ganga conclave?

The river resources of the country, the ecology and the population dependent on these river resources are under increasing stress. The plight of Ganga, is due to the mass abusive exploitation of its resource, due to pernicious, haphazard and so-called development. Such developments are in fact, devastating, destructive and regressive in nature. The fundamentals of such inhuman development are totally unscientific, non-standardized, insensitive and illogical. Pseudo developments are oriented only for huge vested interest for a few and has endangered the river as well as everything dependent on it including its aqua life, its medicinal resources, human habitations, health, prosperity, settlements, agriculture, food, traditions, culture, sentiments, spirituality, holiness, growth, overall development and quality of life of all. Even the government has acknowledged that the river is under increasing stress. Fact is that it has become difficult to sustain the balance between development and survival of the river resource. The need of the hour is to put our minds together and look for positive solutions to prevent and reverse the damage caused to this lifeline of the ecological system upon which more than 40% of the population of the country depends.

What is the solution and the prudent way forward to ensure that mindless exploitation of the resource can be reigned in and the right to life and inter-generational rights manifest in this holy river can be secured?

The government claims that the required steps for the purpose of sustaining the river resource are in place. Yet despite having decided that no new dams will be made on Ganga the government is dithering from notifying this in the gazette of India when it’s this position as informed has been recorded in the minutes of a meeting at the highest level. Government is adamant on making seven dams on Ganga despite the fact that four out of these must be stopped forthwith if the river is to be saved. It is therefore important to find a way forward to engage with the government and the policy makers to see that the people’s way of thinking that these dams must be stopped. Illegal sand mining and stone mining on Ganga is going on ceaselessly despite the fact that the concerned Regulatory Authority and the powers that be claim that it has directed strict implementation of its ban on illegal sand and stone mining on Ganga. It is appalling that the government, the regulators, the ministry, government departments, the NGOs, activists etc. all are engaged in securing the interest of Ganga and to reverse the damage to the river, the ecology dependent on it the deliverance continues to elude.

What needs to be done?

Therefore, it was decided to convene Ganga Conclave in furtherance of the resolution passed on July 21 2019 with an open mind and a positive solution-oriented approach for which concerned stakeholders have been invited and requested to send in their written suggestions by 17th of November 2019 (email at gangapeople@gmail.com) to ensure that views are assimilated and tabulated. This will ensure that a meaningful discussion takes place to identify and form a credible action plan and an action group with the intention that everybody works together to usher in affirmative action which transcends partisan concerns and looks to sanctify interest in the river Ganga.

If everything that is happening is right why is the river dying?

Conclave looks to explore answers, firm up an action plan, form action groups and work to make a positive difference.